My sisters had this bright idea to torture me by making me draw them something to color with my 56 million gel pens. Being the oldest is hard work. Normally I'd drive them to the mall and let them shop, or feed them and we'd watch a movie. But my cold was still bad, and I was kinda broke. Okay, totally broke. So I gave them paper to amuse them. (Note: these are not three year olds, they're twentysomething and thirtysomethings. LOL)
And they told me to draw them something to color. The thing was, they didn't hand me just paper. They handed me whole notebooklets. And I'm supposed to fill them up with drawings they can color. I'm up to page 17 now. Maybe I'll put them up on another blog as I'm running out of space on Flickr, so people can download them to color, or their kids. I'm torturing them by drawing faster than they can color.
Hehehe. Too bad I forgot to scan the line drawings of these first two. AT least I took a pic with my phone.
Hm, the guy with the Chinese Painting website answered my email. I hope he has extra good brushes to sell. I really should call now.
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