Monday, August 27, 2007

More Demented Eels and What I Did With Them

Enough painting, it's the doggy's birthday. And we have cake.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hm, they don't look so much like demented eels today. Hm. Maybe because I started out with this.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

What I Did With the Demented Eels.

Yes, yes, I know perfectly well that there is no fixing a botched painting in CBP and sumi-e. But still.

And there's another one, I just haven't finished it yet. Heheheh.

Friday, August 24, 2007

...And Demented Eels

So we got home pretty early and I decided to give bamboo practice another shot. Ann from the group said when the painting wasn't going well to switch to orchids and rocks. The rocks were fine, but they were, well, rocks. But my orchids look like demented eels. Arrrggggghhhhh.

Mangoes and Bananas

My bamboo leaves look like mango leaves, so I decided to paint mango leaves instead. But now the mangoes look like bananas. Wilson said it was because the chi wasn't consistent. Oh well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Butterfly In Sumi

Young bamboo
in the sun;
Purple butterfly
stops by
fans her wings
in morning mist.

The lovely Barbara from the CBP Group wrote the poem on the butterfly and bamboo. One day when I learn calligraphy I shall paint it on this one.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yay, Paper! And Brushes!

It's really good to have real rice paper and good brushes. Heheheh.

But my sister decided to ration my supply. I'm only allowed to use 1/4 of 1/4 of the sheets of paper Wilson gave me. Bah. My sisters are dictators.

So I figured, orchids are easiest. Ve shall paint ze orchids. But I goofed on the fifth leaf.

In Chinese Brush Painting and Sumi-e, there is no such thing as fixing a stroke. But I really really hate wasting paper. So. I'll figure something out.


And it comes with a haiku! (inspired by the calligraphy discussion, heehee)

harvest ready rice
snails come out after the storm
to make meal complete.



It's been fun setting up the new agency, but we really need to be collecting a paycheck sometime soon, because we all have bills to pay. Once in a while, we look up at the sky (Sam and Me, at least, because Chubby still has both parents) and go, "Dad! Pengeng pera!"

So after the client loved today's presentation, we were all shaking our heads and laughing at the fact that our living will be coming from services for the dead. The client was a memorial park/columbary. Cool place, by the way. I could spend all day there just drawing. Even painting.

And then the butterfly came. Purple and black. At first we thought it was artificial, and then it moved. Sam goes, "Is that your dad or mine?"

Then the music came on. John Denver, Country Roads (Take Me Home).

I laughed. "Mine."

Sam nodded and said, "Oh yeah. Black and purple. Those are your favorite colors, right?"

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pages to color

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Page Number 14

So I ended with 19 drawings before I fell asleep. This is one of them, by special request.

Gel Pens and Coloring Books

My sisters had this bright idea to torture me by making me draw them something to color with my 56 million gel pens. Being the oldest is hard work. Normally I'd drive them to the mall and let them shop, or feed them and we'd watch a movie. But my cold was still bad, and I was kinda broke. Okay, totally broke. So I gave them paper to amuse them. (Note: these are not three year olds, they're twentysomething and thirtysomethings. LOL)

And they told me to draw them something to color. The thing was, they didn't hand me just paper. They handed me whole notebooklets. And I'm supposed to fill them up with drawings they can color. I'm up to page 17 now. Maybe I'll put them up on another blog as I'm running out of space on Flickr, so people can download them to color, or their kids. I'm torturing them by drawing faster than they can color.

Hehehe. Too bad I forgot to scan the line drawings of these first two. AT least I took a pic with my phone.

Hm, the guy with the Chinese Painting website answered my email. I hope he has extra good brushes to sell. I really should call now.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

It's called Chinese BRUSH Painting, dear.

Practice Bamboo on Newsprint

Practice Bamboo on Japanese Paper

The brushy pen I took everywhere finally ran out of ink. Sigh. Which means I have no other choice but practice my bamboos with a real Chinese brush. And ink. Bah. Oh well. It isn't called Chinese PEN painting. Unless I'm painting Pen, of course, who is half-Chinese... but I'm not. Nyaha.