Wednesday, January 23, 2008


"What's up?", the angel with one wing asked the hunched figure, drawing in dirt on the ground.

"There's a war, " came the answer. She scratched her head, then erased the drawing, looking up with a retarded goofy smile. "There's a war and I'm going, you wanna come with?"

He shrugged. He'd been locked away for so long after having fallen. Fallen, of course, was a polite way of saying it, he was kicked out, just because he knew he was prettier, smarter, stronger and sang a whole lot better than those newbies--what were they called again? Oh yeah, humans-- and made the mistake of saying that out loud to their maker. "Another war? Didn't we just come from one?"

"Oh, that was a thousand years ago. I've rested enough. You?"

He shrugged again, lighting a cigarette. "Been that long, huh? No wonder I'm bored. Yeah. Okay. Humans suck."

"Oh goody, " she clapped. Another retarded smile, and she got up, opening the gates. "Come. Now."

He blinked. The gates were unlocked. Had they always been unlocked? He shook his head. Nah. He followed her out into the lifeless desert.

Something was missing, though. Maybe she forgot again, he thought. Always been absent-minded, that one. Forget her head if it wasn't screwed on. He'd even had to fetch it for her a couple of times before. He tapped her on the shoulder. "Hang on. It's a war, right?"

She raised an eyebrow, making him feel as retarded as he always thought she was. "Y-e-e-e-e-s?"

" We're going to war, where's the sword?"

"Oh." She sighed, impatiently rolling up her eyes. "You're it."

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